Monday, August 9, 2010
Cookin' Chipati
For all of you who have previously stayed with us I have an exciting announcement: Trash man is cured!
Let me fill the rest of you readers in. We live on what is called Kayunga road which t-bones the main city road of Mukono. At this intersection there used to be a crazy man – or a mulalu. We named him trash man due to his impeccable style consisting of whatever trash he can find on the street. His hobbies: scaring as many mzungus as possible. A few members of our team have been surprised by a warm smack instead of a hello when walking across this road. Whether fortunate or unfortunate I did not have the opportunity to cross paths with this man before our fearless leader, Ryan, called the authorities to come and save us from our suffering. When they came and tied dear trash man down and took him away we thought it was surely goodbye.
In fact it was not. Trash man has since been released from the crazy ward, probably given some kind of decrazifying medication, and has since opened his own business. He has no recollection of ever hitting us or anyone else before, and has become a totally new man. Around the house we often go around singing a common Ugandan tune: “Trash man’s in the chitchen; cookin’ chipati; I like chipati; yum, yum, yum.”
Besides a new goat and the return of the trash man we have been busy accomplishing many projects. One major project, the Volunteer’s Clubs, came to a finale of sorts last week as it was the last week of all secondary school’s terms. I have had the opportunity to work with the students in this club as I have been here throughout the summer and they have been wonderful. These clubs were originally started by Jessica Jarman and the rest of the HELP Volunteer’s as a way to make a school outreach more sustainable. This outreach was named “Do-It-Yourself” Festival. As a team we researched the needs of the Mukono Education District and organized this festival with the help of Mr. Lubega at the District Education office.
The nature of the festivals is that the primary school allots us 3 hours of their time where we have five centers that interactively teach the children about important life lessons. These are entitled life skills, life planning, environmental awareness, education is important, and health (HIV/AIDS or sanitation). The coolest part about the lessons in these festivals is that we have progressed this summer from teaching them ourselves as a team, then coaching and assisting the two different volunteer’s clubs as they teach them, and finally watching the volunteer’s clubs complete a festival without any of our assistance.
There are two different clubs that call themselves the Volunteer’s Club: One at Mukono Town Academy and the other at Mukono High School- both secondary schools in the Mukono District. These clubs were originally started as a way to continue and sustain the festivals that we had put together and has grown into something much bigger. Not only are these students enthusiastic about teaching the curriculum to these primary children, they are eager to expand and serve more people.
The Volunteer’s have brought up the possibility of reaching out to the elderly. They want to make a difference here in the Mukono community. They really believe in the power of service. At the beginning of the term they elected themselves a motto- “Through Love We Care” and have followed this motto. These volunteers are seriously studs. They have so much potential in their futures and I believe that their membership in this club will continue to teach them responsibility, creativity, and leadership when they regroup next term.
A few of the other projects we have been working on are AIDS/HIV assemblies at Primary and Secondary schools, preparing for a club foot outreach, helping a business partner start his Agricultural school, Evaluations, Business classes, installing a chicken coop, Food driers and Recycling. We are also busy with a project called Grow, Learn, Give: working with schools to sew menstrual pads in order to help keep the secondary girls in school. Lastly, a new project we are preparing for this week is putting in cement flooring in the teacher’s quarters at a low income school. The main purpose of this floor is to employ the children’s parents in exchange for their children’s school lunch.
So we’re working on keeping ourselves busy. It feels good to be here in Africa with a team full of people who care about service. We are working hard and playing hard as we live under the African sun. The end is near and bitter-sweet. Excited to see everyone at home again, but sad to say goodbye to Africa the HELP volunteer’s are making the best of our time in left in Africa.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Dearly Departed,
For those of us left behind we fully accept and appreciate the extension of our wardrobes, left over peanut butter, jerky, and pistachios, and the extra mattress extending our beds from 2 inches to 4 inches. The house has become much quitter and the fight for food has become less stressful. We miss you all dearly, but no worries; we will fully invest our sorrows in porridge, matoke, and posho. Till we meet again, Bella Bulungi.
While we were anticipating and getting over the loss of half our team, we were kept very busy this week. On Tuesday, Rachel Zani and Kaile did an amazing job planning a Disability Outreach. A number of volunteers extended their hands and put on five rotating stations for the disabled youth while their parents and caretakers were involved in a series of seminars educating them on the proper health, sanitation, hygiene, grieving procedures, and Cerebral Palsy management. Despite a few of us being urinated on, all who were involved enjoyed their time blowing bubbles, reading, and singing to the children.
This week, a few volunteers were also involved in putting on three HIV and AIDS assemblies in local schools. This was also very successful. We taught close to 400 students about what HIV and AIDS does to the human body, how it is transferred, and how to prevent it. Along with this, we did a Q&A session where we passed out papers so that the students can ask question anonymously. This went over very well because the students were able to ask questions without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. Most students do not get the opportunity to ask such questions so it was a good chance for them to get honest answers.
A new and upcoming project that is starting to take a lot of focus from a group of our volunteers is the Grow, Learn, Give project. Grow, Learn, Give is a program that helps to keep young girls in school during their menstruation cycle. Research shows that while some girls are menstruating they do not have feminine hygiene products so they stay at home till they are done menstruating. Some girls even drop out of school because menstruating becomes such a burden when they do not have any feminine hygiene products provided. Grow, Learn, Give will enable girls to stay in school during their menstruation period by providing re-usable sanitation pads. Along with this program it educates girls, boys, and parents on what is happening to the girl’s bodies through this time, importance of menstruation hygiene, and de-sensitizing this topic. We hope to include Uganda Christian University students who are interested by helping us implement this program in schools. There is still much to do with this project, but we are excited to be getting started at the very least.
I would be lying if I said that we were all work and no play. Saturday, we had the pleasure of going to the Rothy’s (LDS couple missionaries in Kampala) and indulging in the delicacy of pancakes!! It was truly a lovely taste of home, which I can say for the entire team, was much, much needed. Overall, this week had its ups and its downs. We are sad to lose so many members of our team, but we look forward to the extra time we have here in Uganda. There is still so much work for us to do, so we are what? Anticipating some more success!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Data, Data, Data
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The work we do
While blog-stalking the other HELP International teams, I noticed a trend: they had all taken the opportunity to brag about the awesomeness of their projects and their teams. Congratulations, friends, on all your accomplishments, they are definitely impressive. Then I realized that I had not adequately bragged about how wonderful, innovative, and fantastic my team has been. Take it from me—Uganda Mukono has an incredibly talented and motivated group of volunteers who have managed to carry out impactful projects that improve lives. And we have fun while we are at it. Here is a rough breakdown of what we’ve been doing.
Health: Last week, we held a two day Eye Camp where we screened 300 people for eye problems, distributed medication and over 100 pairs of eye glasses, and assisted while local doctors performed 18 surgeries. We also held a dental outreach where we screened unsuspecting school children for rotting teeth and then pulled the teeth—over three hundred teeth in an afternoon. More generally, we have been teaching sanitation lessons in local schools, setting up a plastics recycling program, working with Reach the Children to teach girls to make reusable feminine pads, doing home visits and therapy with disabled children, and coordinating with district health officials to fix hand washing stations at schools. Megan is the only public health specialist on the team, and so she has been training the rest of us on how to orchestrate public health programs, and we are learning quickly.
Education: Our team is full of education enthusiasts who have started some very innovative programs in the schools here. One of our biggest projects is a one-day festival that we take to local schools. At the festival, students are engaged in participatory lessons on topics like sanitation, goal setting, environmental education, life skills, and science. Since younger students have a great deal of trouble understanding westerners, we have partnered with two local secondary schools to start Volunteers Clubs—club members teach the lessons and work with the students, and are excited to continue the program after the volunteers leave. The secondary students love the opportunity to reach out into their communities and give back, the primary school students love learning and interacting with their peers, and we love watching as our secondary school partners gain a passion for service. On top of that, we have been working closely with students and teachers in local schools, tutoring the students and modeling good learning and critical thinking habits (which are sorely lacking in a school system based around rote memorization). At the same time, we have been conducting teacher trainings focused on fostering creative learning. We have also loved supplementing school curriculums with music, dance, sports, and reading clubs. We are also involved at a few schools for disabled children, working individually with the students and training the teachers on how to better care for disabled children. The school system here is a fascinating mess, and so we’ve been researching the education system by doing qualitative interviews and analysis at local schools, and at the same time quantitatively analyzing data held in the district education office. We plan on training the district employees to better store and analyze data so they can use it to make school improvement plans.
Business and Income Generation: One of our volunteers took the time before arriving to write a basic business curriculum, which we have been using to teach business skills classes to several different groups. We have also been working with individual NGO’s and business to do business mentoring in order to help them set up improved management systems. We also spend time researching the situation of microfinance institutions here in Uganda. Oscar became very passionate about helping single mothers and orphan caretakers earn income, and he has been working on starting a business to import local handicrafts and sell them at boutiques in the US. One upcoming project is focused on income generation in a rural village—we will be building a food drier that will add value to their agricultural products and at the same time place income-generating banana plants with families to enable them to care for orphans.
Other goodies: Several of our projects don’t fall in to such neat categories. For example, we are using square foot gardens in schools to teach them about nutrition and to provide more food for the children. We arranged a massive community outreach that drew over 1300 people—we held a football tournament for primary school children, who were trained on good sportsmanship and sanitation, and we also trained their parents and caretakers on financial planning. The community wanted a way to increase unity and cohesion while sensitizing people on how to cope with the social effects of AIDS. Nearly 100 of the adult participants were screened for AIDS and counseled on how to cope with the disease. One of our partners is an agri-business specialist and we have been working with him to start an agri-business school. The school starts this week with the first round of 40 students—in the short term it will be business classes combined with externships at local agribusinesses. In the long term, our partner plans to centralize these businesses into a self-sustaining school. Next year, we hope that HELP will be able to distribute 17,000 pairs of shoes to needy students through a new partnership with Tom’s shoes ( However, we don’t believe in handouts so we have been arranging a school incentive program that will reward schools who show commitment and improvement with shoes for their students. Our volunteers have the noble but difficult job of setting up an amazing and influential program that they won’t get to see put in place. Several of our volunteers are passionate about reaching out to the disadvantaged and are in the process of organizing support groups for abused women, as well as health outreaches and therapy for disabled children and their families.
One big focus in all of our projects is evaluation—we know that good development work is not possible without analyzing your successes and your failures and using that information to improve. Each of our projects has components of evaluation built into the planning, implementation, and follow up stages, so that we can continually adjust what we do to be more effective. We have an evaluation intern focused entirely on tracking down past HELP projects to try and better understand the impact we’ve had in this community. This has been challenging and we have learned a great deal about the benefits of record keeping, good planning, and needs assessment.
It is strange to think that our time here is half over—we have accomplished much, but there is still a great deal of work left to do. About half of our team will be leaving us in two and a half weeks, and they have been working hard to ensure that their projects are executed as planned. Their drive and commitment is impressive, as is the community’s collective desire to improve their situation. All this would not be possible without full community support, and we are very grateful. We are also thankful for the support from our family and friends at home—your emotional strength buoys our team, and your financial support has enabled us to work here. Thank you!
We welcome any comments, questions, or ideas that you have!
Angie, Ryan, and the Mukono Team
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Things We Thought We’d Never Do.
I would say that this week could be summarized by saying that we all did things that we never thought we’d get to, or have to, do. So here goes:
Observe surgery from the Operating Room: On Tuesday and Wednesday, the team headed to two different clinics to hold eye screenings and surgeries for nearby communities. We facilitated the event while local eye doctors and nurses screened 119 men, women, and children and performed 12 surgeries. In addition to our more simple tasks of recording patients’ information, pointing to letters on the eye chart, and leading patients to various rooms, we had the opportunity to actually look in on the cataract surgeries. On Wednesday, we were able to screen 209 and operate on 6 patients. The patients received new pairs of glasses, prescriptions, and their surgeries free of charge! They were so grateful, and we were grateful to be participating. Though lunch was no where to be found, the team rocked it with patience.
Sing the National Anthem at a Sporting Event: On Thursday, we had an HIV/AIDS outreach in a community called Kiyindi. We ran an all-day football tournament for 6 primary and 2 secondary schools and invited teachers, parents, and local leaders to attend as well as the schools. It was so much fun—we had over 1500 people play in football gaes with trainings on business and financial planning in between. We also had an HIV/AIDS screening station set up and were able to screen close to 100 adults. Additionally, some of the school choirs performed about the horrors that result from AIDS. At the request of CCCWA, our partner, the HELP girl volunteers performed a “American dance number” to Justin Bieber’s “Baby.” (I don’t think the adults knew what to think about that because they just gave us blank stares as we danced.) At the end of the tournament, we had a final football game between the HELP International team members and the CCWA team. The kids (and adults) thought it was hilarious and we got them all to cheer for the muzungus. In the end, we tied 1-1. Congrats to Nicole and Rob and all those who worked so hard on this event!
Hold (Down) Screaming Children While They Receive Anesthesia: On Friday, we partnered with another NGO to hold dental screenings at Nagalama Primary School. First, the dentists screened them for decaying teeth that needed extraction. They then sent them into be numbed, and lastly, to have their teeth extracted. The day started out quite joyfully with an assembly where the children welcomed us with songs and dances. Eventually though, the children started to realize that the arrival of Muzungus did not mean all fun and games. The students were screened in order of grade so we started with the Baby Class, which is like 3 to 5 year olds. They were so happy to open up their mouths to let the dentists examine and receive the white extraction slips that sent them to receive anesthesia. Then the screams started. As the children heard their peers crying out, they became more and more distraught at receiving the white slips of paper. The volunteers were spread out—some were writing those slips of death, others were holding down children to keep them from slapping away the syringes of Lidokaine, others were sanitizing the needles, and others were holding down those in the extraction room. I got to experience the anesthesia room for the afternoon portion, and it was heartbreaking to feel the small bodies tense up, shout out in pain, and strain to escape the long needle being pushed into their gums. But we knew we were doing good, and we were able to have about 200 tooth extractions out of the 900 screened. It was quite an emotionally exhausting day. Congrats to Megan on both the dental and eye outreaches! That was quite a task!
This week, we sadly lose two valued members of our team. Jessica and Nicole are heading back to our homeland, and, oh, how we will miss them!
Lastly, we have now upped the number of people crammed into our taxi up to 21. (Legally, they are allowed to carry 14.)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Legs, Legs, Legs
1) When riding a boda and slipping between two trucks, knees simply get in the way. It is very trying for the boda driver to have to concentrate on slipping between 20 inch gaps and have to avoid banging your knee against the truck. In fact, it’s really quite unreasonable to expect them to avoid hitting your knees against stationary vehicles all the time, accidents happen.
2) Legs are really inconvenient when it comes to rafting. Our poor thighs rarely see the light of day with all the knee-length shorts (work those cargos Jessica) and mid-calf skirts we wear. Of course they are going to burn. Just because you put a combined level of SPF 456 on them why should you expect them to not be one of the primary colors when the trip is over?
3) Legs are not helpful in the kitchen. When one is making oatmeal it is really annoying to have to worry about the loose pan not dumping water everywhere. Without legs the water could just splash wherever it pleased and not land on someone’s leg turning it yellow and purple. Oatmeal is more important the leg should have known to get out of the way or done something useful like open the oatmeal packet.
4) Back to bodas. Did you know they could harm you without moving? Yes, in fact they can. Legs are not properly designed for avoiding exhaust tubes. Exhaust tubes are made of metal. They turn really hot after the Evil Kneival of boda drivers you found has roared up and down Kayunga road. If your poorly engineered leg brushes up against it you will have a burn that turns red, followed by a lovely deadish gray color, followed by a cheery pink and brown. That will be 700 shillings.
5) If you didn’t have legs you would not trip on the lovely “paved” sidewalks of Uganda and scrape your leg. End of story. Blythe, it’s your own body’s fault you fell-stop trying to blame the gravel/steep edge/on-coming boda/marriage proposal from the taxi conductor.
6) Legs are really rude. They disrupt the nests of bed bugs that reside at the “nice” hotel in Gulu. The bed bugs have been happily nesting in said bed since the last group of HELP volunteers stayed there-approximately three weeks ago. The hotel doesn’t get a lot of visitors. Your selfish legs smashed their nice home and your mosquito net then trapped them so they couldn’t escape the Godzilla-ish monster that is your leg. It’s like putting a wall around Tokyo during Godzilla 4. You really shouldn’t be surprised that you now have 53 bug bites on your legs. I am sorry they are oozing though.
An Eating tour of Mukono—how to feed 20 muzungus
The day begins with breakfast. Those of us who followed the advice of our predecessors and brought more granola bars than clothes have a nearly endless supply of Chewy, Nature Valley, and Cliff bars. These, combined with instant oatmeal, local fruit, and Yogurt, make a delicious meal. Our team keeps a huge pile of fruit on the back porch, mostly bananas, pineapple, mango, and oranges, which all make excellent breakfast food. Angie makes a grain porridge which no one else is brave enough to taste. School children eat a variant of this porridge for breakfast, but theirs involves corn flour and nothing else, which is about as nutritionally week as it is filling.
If you choose to go out for breakfast, your first decision is to turn left or right at the gate. Our immediate neighbor to the right is a pork joint—not the most appealing for breakfast, and it certainly doesn’t compare to our neighbor to the left, which is a shanty shack that contains big vats of beans, rice, and matoke. If you are not in the mood for beans, continue past the shanty shack and the outdoor pool hall to the corner chapatti stand. There, you can purchase Rolex, which is an egg and veggie omelet rolled inside a piece of fry bread. The district health inspector tells us it is OK to eat Rolex despite the lack of hygiene standards because “the food is sold hot, so no one gets sick”. Excellent.
Past the pork joint to the right is a sort of commercial center, where there are clothing shops and corner stores for all of your household needs. There are also stands with fruits of all kinds. And then there is our friend the Rolex man. Since the Bazungu moved into his neighborhood, his rolex stand has been re-surfaced, he built a storage box, and added an umbrella. We hypothesize that our group gives him more collective business in a day than he usually gets in three. He speaks passable English and talks to us while frying eggs and bread. Right next to him across a dirt patch is a woman selling deep fried delicacies—roasted chickpeas wrapped in a bread shell, deep fried. Boiled eggs wrapped in mashed sweet potatoes, deep fried. Sweet bread, deep fried. Each of these treats cost between 10 and 20 cents.
Continue down the road to the taxi park. This region is lined with small shaded shops offering more chapatti and beans, yogurt, rice, and ground beef. Most restaurants sell approximately the same thing. But in the Taxi park there are young boys selling other foods—various chicken parts roasted on sticks, meat popsicles with fatty beef, packaged cookies, and a local delicacy, fried grasshopper.
In the evenings, the streets come alive with vendors roasting bananas, meat, and corn over charcoal fires. We aren’t usually out at night because Edith, our chef extraordinaire, cooks amazing meals at our house. Roasted veggies, fried rice, spaghetti, squash, mango chutney, chapatti, you name it. Our favorite has been termed “Ugandan CafĂ© Rio”, which involves chapatti, rice, ground beef, and mango chutney all rolled together. It is amazing.
On Sunday, Edith gets a day off and the team cooks together, which gives us a chance to bond over a charcoal stove and dull vegetable knives without handles. The Sunday dinner Gestapo, as our chore chart has lovingly christened them, gain a better appreciation of just how awesome Edith is. They also gain practical skills in starting fires using wax matches and plastic bags, which will certainly come in handy later in life.
Bottom line, we eat well. We are even getting used to matoke, the steamed plantains that are a local favorite.
(photos forthcoming)
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Spelling Means Yelling
The schools of Mukono are finally back in session and the Muzungus are ready to get to work. We began our work with a local primary school, Crane Preparatory, on Wednesday and it was quite the experience. Crane invited our team to sit through an orientation of sorts and observe the classrooms to see where we would be most effective. I sat in on a P.2 class, which is about the equivalent of a second grade class in the U.S. The next day, we began our actual programs with the school, and to say it was a busy day is a huge understatement. In the mornings we work in the actual classrooms, and then in the afternoon we return to conduct the extracurricular activities. I will do my best to express what I have learned at Crane the past few days:
-When the P.2 practices spelling, they actually just yell the words as loud as they possibly can. It was awesome.
-When someone answers a question correctly the rest of the students “shower with flowers,” or in other words, they wiggle their fingers at the star student.
-P.7 classes are huge. One class contained 75 students.
-Despite the limited access to learning materials and teaching staff, the students are excited to learn.
-I can’t believe that I have ever complained about my schools in the United States. The classrooms that we work in are dilapidated brick buildings with dirt floors with a single chalkboard painted on the wall. The walls are covered with old charcoal stains and doodles from past students. It is so eye opening to see how these amazing children receive their education.
-Even though we are all speaking English, there have been some communication issues with the administration of the school. When we wanted to implement a tutoring program within the school, the teachers thought that we wanted to teach the actual curriculum so they left us in the classrooms with all of the students waiting to learn. It was a bit overwhelming. Hopefully we work out all of bumps by next week.
Despite the craziness that naturally occurs with a new program, it is such a privilege to work with these happy and loving students. We are working to organize the program to maximize effectiveness, but I believe that we will be able to create a lasting relationship with these schools in Mukono. I can’t wait to learn more from these students, even if it means shouting at spelling words with them all day long.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Uganda vs Kenya
We started the excursion by getting in a taxi and heading for Mandela Stadium. Upon arriving we decided that we would get the expensive tickets instead of the cheap tickets because we wanted to sit in the shade. It was a decision well worth it (we only spent $10).
To get to our seats we had to enter into a considerably nice room that had an enclosed staircase and a wet bar. Our seats were perfect, they had back rest and were directly in front of middle field.
For the pre-game show we got to watch a group of cultural percussionist who even danced while playing the drums on their heads.
Right as the game was about to start, a gentleman came and asked if he could sit next to me, I agreed and ended up being grateful that he did. As the game progressed he explained what was happening. About half way through the first half I asked him who all the men were in suits that were in the rows below us. He informed me that one was the Secretary of Education, another was Secretary General... the list goes on. I later found out that the gentleman next to me was the president of FIFA. During the 2nd half of the game, all the men in suits came and sat right next to us.
The soccer game was great, Uganda won 1 to o. It was an experience worth living.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Oli Otya!

Greetings from Mukono, Uganda! Our whole team has arrived safely, without too much complication (except an unexpected overnight delay in Heathrow for many of us), and we are all finally accustomed to the almost half-day time change. Ryan and Angie have done a great job setting up many meetings with potential partner organizations, and we are busy preparing for projects by drafting proposals and forming committees.
Already we have immersed ourselves in this unique culture. We have made adobe with our feet, collected water from the Nile, taken bucket showers, learned Luganda (the native language of most Ugandans) and eveneaten grasshoppers!
Some projects that we have already helped with include: making an adobe stove, building a community clinic, and planting crops at a community field. We have also met with community leaders on health, education, business training, and orphanage projects.
This week has been invaluable preparation and training for our future adventures! I feel as though we are gradually understanding the people and discovering the best application for our time and resources. There will definitely be amazing things to write of in the days and weeks to come! As we better understand Ugandan culture and way of life, we hope that both the natives and us muzungus will be edified and empowered.
- Scott and Rachel
Forgive the poor formatting, computers in third world countries behave... differently than in the USA!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
A more complete update
We've finally made time for a longer stint at the internet cafe--it feels like every time we come here, we have so much business to take care of that the time passes too quickly. That should be some indication of how things are going. We are busy, running around town, house hunting, meeting with people, and acclimating to a very new and beautiful place. Our real mission this week is to be learners--we have come in with an intense desire to understand how things work here, from transportation to governance to local community action organizations.
Just this morning, we met with the Deputy Mayor and his wife who is a school teacher. They both had excellent ideas for how we can get involved in the community, and make a meaningful impact that lasts far longer than our short four months here. They were very passionate about serving the community, and like many others here, have a clear understanding of what is being done already and what is lacking.
I think it is this culture of thoughtful analysis and action that I have most appreciated since arriving here. Every person we have talked to has had enlightening insight on what Uganda needs, and on why things are as they are in this community. They have so much to teach us. In learning we come to a better understanding of our role within the community--We can facilitate action only so long as we listen to their needs and synthesize the lessons they are teaching us. Every time I have thought I knew what was needed or what we can do, I have found that, while they would have accepted my ideas, theirs were better and will be more effective. HELP is lucky to be in contact with some very bright and passionate people who understand what we are capable of as well as what their community needs--I am convinced that through these partnerships, we will be able to have a very positive impact.
Logistics are coming along nicely. We have found a suitable house not too far from town, and we are going to negotiate the price and contract this afternoon. Wish us luck! It is a very comfortable place with indoor plumbing and electricity, and plenty of space for a group of our size. We also have a courtyard with a little bit of grass, and there is a boda boda waiting point just a few meters from the driveway. the only drawback is that it is close to a main road, so we can hear the traffic. We've also found someone willing to cook for us, and a guard--we are trying as much as possible to use connections from past years. They've had good experiences working with us in the past and are very excited that we are in Mukono again.
On a personal note, this place is truly amazing. The people are kind, generous, friendly, open, and genuine, which is a real breath of fresh air. I feel welcome and safe, in part because I know that people in this community value our presence and are looking out for us. We can't wait for the volunteers to arrive. We've already started setting up some good projects for the first few days, so that everybody can get a taste of what is available, along with meetings with some partners.
I think it is going to be a great summer!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Internet Cafe time runs out quickly
The best thing has been meeting with the people. We have met with about five good partners so far and have appointments with the Deputy Mayor and several district officials to discuss how we can best serve the people there. We will be contacting the Nakasero hospital people with whom we will do the eye and dental camps soon and hopefully go to Kampala early next week.
The air is rich here and the people are happy and friendly. Little children already sing "Buzunge, eh eh, Buzungu" to us and wave and yell "Goodbye" whether we are coming or going. I will write more soon.